I have told myself that if after I assemble my new desktop, I would be organized and will be fixing my files and all that. haha!

Procrastination at its finest~ :P

My new desktop (or at least the CPU), which I named yamapi, had been put to use since yesterday (February 5, 2010 F). woot!

The thing is, I’m still lazy to personalize this and to transfer my files to its harddrive. haha! I don’t know. haha Maybe I’m still waiting for the table that I’d buy in a few days, plus a monitor that I’ll also purchase from one of my friends. :P Then maybe, after that I’d be more relaxed and organized. haha

Well, lately I had a lot of thoughts coming through my mind. haha! I wanna write about them soon. Too bad I’m really lazy today. haha! Well, kind of lazy coz’ I’m typing this now. haha!

Anyways, will update my blog soon enough XD
I promise!^^

Yea~! So I’m cleaning my room right now. I need to clean it. haha! Haven’t “really” cleaned my extreme epic messy room. haha! I remember when I was online on YM and would have to open my webcam, all my friends kept on telling me to clean my room already coz’ they can see all the junk and mess from the view. HAHA!

Anyways, I kinda needed to pause for a moment. Rest~ haha!

I just threw out 200+ pieces of my handmade white paper cranes. I left around 65 pieces though since we’re gonna use some on a random photoshoot in a few hours. LOL and I’m still wide awake here hahaha!

A lot of mess, I threw about one big “balikbayan” box full of mess, papers, and some stuffs that I don’t really need now. Organized my school papers and stuffs into envelopes. HAHA! yea~ I do that lols~ :P

Well, you won’t see the mess from this view of the camera~ hehehe~ coz’ that part’s already been errrr… organized? well, a bit lols!

I still have to sweep the floor in a while, then move some of my things to another part of my room. hahaha!

Oh yea~ I found my long lost mp3 player somewhere buried in all the mess. lols~ So yea, I was listening to my playlist from a year ago while cleaning. hehe~

I must say, it’s nicer to clean at night. No one bothers me. hahaha! XD

Well, why am I cleaning my room? After having my room for like that for over a year now, do I have a reason to really clean it like that? I mean, I was just sick since last week. And the moment I got a little better I’m doing this. hehe~

hmmm~ well, actually… I’m preparing for my new love to arrive. WOOT!

I had my cousin, Kuya Cris, assemble a desktop for me since my laptop broke down just this December. D: So yea, goodbye salary. HAHAHAHA!

I’m gonna name my new desktop “yamapi” since I love yamapi so much~
heehee~ :P

Anyways, gotta go~ it’s 4:44am according to this pc’s clock. haha! and I still have much to do. Plus I need to go to school in a while and go to a photoshoot afterwards lol~ :P