dsc003591Erin Bare

March 26, 1989

MultiMedia Artist
Cards Enthusiast

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My name’s Erin, and I’m just a normal college student going through with a normal everyday life just like everybody else.

If you stumbled upon my page by accident, then hello~! My posts are based from my everyday life and experiences. It’s about me and the people around me. Most of the time, it’ll be my opinion and point of view.

I usually blog in English. Though sometimes, I insert some Tagalog words or even Japanese words. I hate translating since it takes away some meaning on the sentences. haha! So forgive me for that if you can’t understand them.^^ Nevertheless, most of it will be in English~

To be honest, I hate people who doesn’t have anything better to say. So if you’ve got nothing good to say or comment, just close my blog and not reply at all. Thanks! haha!

As mentioned above,

I’m a MultiMedia Artist. I’m still a student, but I can pretty much distinguish good quality art from not.

I’m a Cards Enthusiast. I’m still trying to learn though.

I’m a Cosplayer. I started last June 2008 at ToyCon as girl-type Ranma Saotome.

I’m a Musician. Yes, I can play some instruments and I can also sing. haha! I’m previously a bassist for the band Tr3sticles, and a vocalist for another band (still doesn’t have a name). Though at the moment, I’m not that into it coz’ my time is divided with schoolwork, and some more other stuffs.

I’m a Teacher. Yep! That’s right! I’m currently an English teacher, an Online ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher to be exact. I’m loving the job! I’ve studied about Distance Education when I was a Computer Science student. I never did imagined I’d use it one day. Amazing, huh?

To my blog readers, welcome to my blog~! And here’s to hoping my blog will be something worthwhile to read. hehe
